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Your Healthcare, Your Way.™

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Uniting the top healthcare solutions

Commonsense, transparent and simply plans for navigating and paying for your healthcare.

Plans starting at $125/mo for Individuals and $350/mo for a family.

Brian Eckert Healthcare Specialist, MightyWELL & ShareWELL Partner

Greater Access and Better Care at a Lower Cost. 

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Scott’s Neck Surgery

“I injured my neck. I was able to coordinate where I wanted to have the surgery and pick the procedure I felt would best help me. I paid my $1,500 UA and the rest was taken care of by the Health Share.  I am so

thankful I have a MightyWELL plan”

"Caring and helpful, with incentives for healthy lifestyles.  this is a wonderful community of people and a most viable alternative to insurance."

Mark B.

Katie’s Maternity Journey

Having my second child and being on the MightyWELL Healthshare has given me such a peace of mind knowing my entire maternity cost will only be $1,500. With my first child I delivered on December 31 and my deductible started over Jan 1. It was such a huge expense to meet two years of deductibles for a 3 day hospital stay.  I am so glad we found MightyWELL Health!”  Knowing my entire maternity cost will only be $1,500 with my second child has given me such peace of mind

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What Everyone Wants to Know

Simple explanations to the ShareWELL healthshare and the different add ons.

ShareWELL Healthshare

ShareWELL Healthshare + Preventive

ShareWELL Healthshare + Copay MEC

ShareWELL Healthshare +
HSA Compatible/Essential Plan

Click on the buttons below to read more about the different solution details.


of adults are "very" or "somewhat worried" about being able to afford unexpected medical bills or cost of healthcare services.


of uninsured adults went without needed care because of cost, and 25% of U.S. adults say they've skipped or postponed getting healthcare they needed because of the cost. 


of adults with insurance worry about affording their monthly health insurance premiums.

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So What's the catch?

Looking for a better healthcare solution for employees?

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Are you with a business looking for a better healthcare solution for employees?
If so, be sure to watch this next video

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"This has been the best healthcare choice our family ever made.  So affordable and efficient!! thank you ShareWELL.

Abbie A


What to Expect Becoming a ShareWELL Member

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Enroll for ShareWELL and any additional programs you want to use to monitor and maintain your health.

Complete your welcome call with a ShareWELL specialist.  (Scheduled through Zoom in your member portal.) 

Live with peace of mind that your monthly share cost is affordable and if a major health event occurs you know your cost.

Do your healthcare your way.  When a need arises, submit a share request, pay your UA and focus on getting better.

Call the ShareWELL advocate team anytime you have a question or need assistance. 

The Difference ShareWELL Makes

Peace of mind. 

Getting the care you need, from the provider you choose, and knowing exactly what you're responsilbe for paying

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ShareWELL, a Fresh Take on a Proven Concept.

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"Absolutely love it.  the people care, deal with your problem quickly ad concisely, or explain your questions well.  I appreciate the responsiveness."

Nikole L.

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Be a savvy healthcare consumer.

Whether it's medications, transparent pricing, labs & testing, vision, virtual medicine, top hospitals & surgical centers, meical supplies, or healthcare insights, being a savvy healthcare consumer can add up to significant savings.


ShareWELL has an advocacy rescource page as well as an advocacy team to help.


 Visit the ShareWELL Advocacy Resources Page

Should you become a ShareWELL member?

Do you:

  • want to play an active role in your healthcare decisions?

  • want transparency, simplicity and help navigating your healthcare and paying for it?

  • want greater access and better care at a lower cost? 

  • want a healthcare solution that is easy to use and it works?

  • understand and are you comfortable with the 4-year limitations of any pre-membership health condition?

  • want to save money on both the monthly cost for a healthcare solution and the cost of your care when the need arises?

If you answered yes to the above questions, enroll now.

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Enrollment Basics for ShareWELL Solutions

This video is a guide through the process of enrolling in the ShareWELL programs.  Starting with a ShareWELL membership, choosing a UA amount, and any add-on programs like the Copay MEC or Recuro platform.  It also covers the payment process, effective date and acknowledgement of any pre-existing/pre-membership health conditions before finalizing enrollment.

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Still have a question?
Schedule a 15 minute phone call to get your question answered.

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Download Navigating the Challenges of Healthcare and Healthcare Costs: A Guide for Individuals and Families

This guide is a crash course on:

  • health insurance

  • the healthcare marketplace

  • healthcare

  • the challenges and solutions to the ever-increasing cost and complexity of receiving quality healthcare.

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